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It Worked! I Got My Life Back!

Once upon a time, my life was perfect!

At 45, I was "living the dream", having opened up a fitness studio with an awesome business partner who  shared my visions for a great and prosperous future.


Our amazing clients quickly became family, the LIME family, and my own kids cheered me on from the sideline.


                                                                       Then, a few years in to our Lime adventure, things started to change. 

                                                                       My business partner who I had treated like a sister, wasn't "feeling it",                                                                         and one day she just packed up and left.

                                                                       No explanations, no goodbyes. She just left. 


                                                                       From one day to the other I had to teach all 20+ classes offered at                                                                               our studio plus all the daily work that comes with running a business.


The 24 hours I had in a day just wasn't enough.

I was on auto-pilot, and my LIME family started to worry about my health. I brushed them off, saying I was fiiiiiine....

Then, the pandemic hit, and I was told my studio had to shut down.

I went home. And my body, mind, and soul shut down, too.

The first few months are very blurry. All I know is that I either stayed in bed or on the couch, binge watching random TV-series and movies, and binge-eating any type of crap food there was, too.

In just a few months I went from fit, fast and fabulous to dull, delayed and drab! (litteraly!)

I was shocked to see how quickly my lifestyle changed from healthy to the extreme opposite.

And it only went from bad to worse as the time went by. 

As we all discovered that the "stay-home" rule was not about to change any time soon, I finally started teaching my fitness classes online.


I turned my living room into an online studio and I got to see my amazing
LIME family on the screen. 


While dealing with self sabotage and emotional stress, my online classes
saved me, both physically and emotionally. 


All these years, I had taught my clients about the importance of moving their body, and how physical exercise helped not only the body, but their mind as well. 


Now I really got to experience it first-hand.

The financial struggle during the pandemic was real, and I ended up closing my studio for good.

Searching for ways to get by, I realized that teaching online opened up to new possibilities, so I sold my home of 20 years, with everything in it, and only kept what I could fit it into my car. 

I left everything and everybody I had known for 20+ years and drove away, into the unknown....

Fast forward to today....
I am a happy "vanlifer" travelling all over North-America, teaching kettlebell classes online.

I get to teach and record classes from beautiful places, choosing mountains, rivers, oceans and parks as my backdrop for all my Limers to enjoy.

And most of all, I get to continue teaching kettlebells which is my all-time favourite workout!

Now, I would love for you to join me!​​​​​​

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Initiation to kettlebells

Are you one of those who have been to the gym and wondered about  these round iron cast balls  with handles and how to use them?

I am a big fan of kettlebells and fell in love with the kettlebell workouts the very first time I tried it.

It's amazing what results you can get from using just one kettlebell.

You get toned, fit, and improve your cardio, all at the same time.

A 30-minute workout  2-3 times per week is all you need.

Instead of buying all sorts of weights, you can get great results with just one kettlebell.

But..... it is really important to know how to use it, in order to not get injured and to optimize your results.

Of course, it depends on each person, but in general, it is recommended to start with a 15 lbs/8 kg kettlebell for women and a 25 lbs/12 kg kettlebell for men. 


Remember when you buy a kettlebell, it is supposed to be a bit heavy in order to keep you grounded.


There are two kinds of kettlebells;
Competition bells that are all the same size, regardless of weight

Regular iron-cast kettlebells that differs in size, depending on the weight. 

The regular kettlebells are just fine to use. I would suggest a vinyl coated iron-cast kettlebell. 


Try out this 5 lesson Initiation to kettlebells to get you started. You will learn how to use this amazing tool to your advantage, as well as great ideas on how to create a quick and efficient workout.


Sometimes, it's hard to take that first step, so to make it easier for you, we have decided to offer you a  NEW "BEGINNINGS" SALE. 

Regular price is $57, but if you order now you can get it for ONLY $17

So, why not get started right away?

Click the button below to get instant access!

Can't wait to see you on the other side!

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Buy NOW for ONLY
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A little glimpse of the Initiation To Kettlebells Program

Take Advantage Of The "New Beginnings" Sale

And Gift Yourself To A Healthy Start Of The New You!​

Using a kettlebell to work out gives you a very efficient and training. In just 30 minutes. you can work your strength, cardio, balance, mobility and flexibility. Using a kettlebell helps you get lean and toned. It helps shredding extra pounds.

Click the link below to get access to the 5-lesson Initiation To Kettlebells in order to learn how to use this amazing tool in a safe, secure and efficient way for amazing results.

All you need is one kettlebell to get started. 

For beginners, it is in general recommended to start with a 15 lbs kettlebell for women and a 25 lbs kettlebell for men. It is important to know that the kettlebell should feel a bit heavy that first time you pick it up, as it is supposed to ground you.

Get access now to take advantage of our very special "New Beginnings" Sale!


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Reg. price
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What the LIMERS have to say...

Suzie P.

Why choose Lime? For Margrete. Always smiling, she knows how to put us at ease, whatever our level of physical fitness. Her classes are accessible to a wide variety of people. We feel respected and valued. Margrete is human, real, warm and is not afraid to show us that there are days when the form is not there and that no one is perfect. This helps us appreciate ourselves at our true value and motivates us. In addition, Margrete knows how to convey her good humor to us, which even makes us appreciate burpees! ''


Geneviève N.

Margrete and Lime Fitness allow me to continue my training live or, with the offer of recorded classes, when the time is best for me. The course offering is diverse. There is something for all tastes and levels! I love Maggie's energy and kindness.


Hélène L.

Margrete's group classes are stimulating, well-structured and comprehensive. They m ake me go beyond my personal training regiments.


Caroline P.

I have been training with Margrete for over 10 years. I particularly like the kettlebell classes which allow me to develop my strength, coordination, and stability, working with high energy which works my cardio. And what's more, the exercices are varied which allows me to stimulate my body in different ways. I highly recommend Lime's kettlebell classes.


Angie B.

I have been training with Lime for several years. I would like to thank Margrete for all the fitness classes she has given, always being in a happy and great mood. She is very friendly and a great coach.


Diane P.

Lime Fitness allows me to improve my shape and muscular strength thanks to dynamic and professional workouts which takes place in a joyous and enthusiastic setting. Well done, Margrete.


Gabriel B.

Since joining Lime Fitness, my life has truly changed for the better. The warm welcome from the  trainer and participants helped me transform my lifestyle habits. After moving, I was delighted to reconnect with the Lime community I had knows a few years earlier, thanks to the flexibility of online classes, available live and on-demand. This allows me to train in a group according to my busy schedule. Each session improves my physical condition and well-being. 

Lime Fitness stands out for its community approach and the sense of belonging it creates. I highly recommend Lime Fitness to anyone looking to improve their lifestyle in a simple and effective way. 

© 2021  Tous droits réservés Lime Inc.

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